Sun Safe Boating Mike Schmidt

Sun Safe Boating Industry Collaboration

Ongoing boating industry initiative to raise awareness for improved sun protection on the water A new industry collaboration campaign for Sun Safe Boating launched the week of June 5-11, 2016 coinciding with National Sun Safety Week and National Fishing and Boating Week. The goal of Sun Safe Boating is to improve public awareness and reinforce...

Mike Schmidt and SureShade

Mike Schmidt to Collaborate with SureShade on Sun Safety in Boating

Former Philadelphia Phillies Third Baseman and Skin Cancer Survivor to Promote “Sunscreen, Sunwear and SureShade is the Sensible Way to Boat” SureShade, the U.S. manufacturer of patented retractable sunshade systems for boats, has announced that they will be joining forces with Hall of Famer Mike Schmidt to help raise awareness the importance of sun safety in boating....

discover boating marketing campaign

Discover Boating Shares 2014 Marketing Campaign Results

Campaign grew boating awareness and interest in U.S. and Canada delivering 1.8 million visitors to boat manufacturers [INFOGRAPHIC] Discover Boating, the  public awareness effort managed by the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) on behalf of the North American recreational boating industry, reports fiscal year 2014 (October 2013 – September 2014) campaign results grew both awareness and...


Boatbound Acquiring Naming Rights to San Francisco Bay Inlet Actually a Hoax

McCovey Cove in San Francisco Bay to be named #BoatboundBay was actually a joke aimed at creating publicity for #Boatboundbay Billions Promotion Boatbound, the San Francisco based peer-to-peer boat rental marketplace, recently announced that they have acquired the naming rights to a historic section of the San Francisco Bay. Previously known as McCovey Cove, named after legendary San Francisco...

boating advocacy marketing toolkit

New Boating Advocacy Marketing Toolkit Available for Marine Businesses

NMMA creates toolkit of marketing materials to communicate and promote recreational boating industry issues The National Marine Manufacturer’s Association (NMMA) has released a new Advocacy Marketing Toolkit giving marine businesses resources and materials to promote issues important to the recreational boating industry. The new advocacy marketing resource center from NMMA has been added to,...

life jacket design competition

BoatUS Rolls Out Build a Better Life Jacket Contest

Innovation in Life Jacket Design Competition seeks newest innovations and design ideas for life jackets The BoatUS Foundation has teamed up with Personal Floatation Device Manufacturers Association (PFDMA) and the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) to seek out the newest technologies and design ideas with the “Innovation in Life Jacket Design Competition”. Kicking off on August 21,...

sun safety boating

SureShade to Promote Sun Safety in Boating

SureShade joins National Safe Boating Council to raise awareness for sun safety issue SureShade, the U.S. based designers and manufacturers of retractable shade systems, has announced they have joined National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) to raise awareness and promote sun safety in recreational boating. Their announcement as members of NSBC makes them the first member...

national safe boating week resources

Tools to Help Promote National Safe Boating Week

Resources for marine businesses to get on board with promoting safe boating week and throughout boating season – with links to share on social media (updated for 2016) Every year the recreational boating industry joins forces to recognize and emphasize the importance of safe boating practices during National Safe Boating Week. The week-long promotion serves...

discover boating 2014 marketing

Discover Boating Shares 2014 Marketing Plan Details

Integrated marketing plan includes strategies and tactics to build awareness for boating and connect consumers to boat manufacturers Discover Boating, the public awareness effort managed by the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) on behalf of the North American recreational boating industry, shared details on their 2014 marketing plan during a webinar to marine industry stakeholders on April...

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