Marine Businesses Get Special Discount Price on Boating Book for Kids

boat girl discount rate

marketing planBook focused on youth engagement and safe boating is now available at special price for boat dealers, marinas and marine businesses… with new strategies to use book in marine marketing

Getting kids excited about the boating is an important part of attracting families to the boating lifestyle. The quality time you are able to spend with your kids on the water is a big reason why people invest in a boat.

My new children’s book, The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl, aims to get kids excited about boating while teaching them about boat safety. The book is inspired by my two daughters and based on our own personal experiences boating as a family. Keeping it “in the family”, the beautiful water color drawings throughout the book were all done by my 14 year old nephew – using actual photos from our boating experiences for inspiration.

The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl is a fun and educational book designed to teach kids (both girls AND boys, ages 3 and up) about the adventures of boating while reinforcing boat safety practices – like always wearing a life jacket.

The 52 page full-color paperback book also includes fun extras like a list of Boat Girl’s Safety Rules to follow, basic boating terms every little skipper should know and a personal log to keep track of your boat kid’s first amazing boating adventures… making it a keepsake and more than just a children’s book.

boat girl industry reviews

The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl has already received a lot of attention in the boating industry… with features on Boating Industry, Discover Boating, Great Lakes Scuttlebutt, Boating Times Long Island and Bob’s No Wake Zone.

How to Order Book at Marine Discount Price

The book is currently available for anyone to purchase on Amazon for $9.95, but I wanted to make it available to marine businesses at an even lower price! This lower “wholesale” price enables marine businesses to purchase larger quantities of the book to make them available as hand-outs or resell them in a marine store.

(see more strategies below for using the book in your marine marketing efforts!)

discount-priceMarine businesses can now order The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl at the special marine trade discounted price of $7.00 per booka savings of $2.95 per book off the retail price!

Steps to purchase books at discount price:

Go to:

Select “Add to Cart”

Enter Desired Quantity

IMPORTANT: Enter & Apply Discount Code: JDH7MM2P

Price will change from $9.95 to $7.00 per book (discount amount will be shown)

Click “Check Out” to complete online purchase

estore order process

Note: your order is placed directly through CreateSpace, the publisher of the book. All order processing and shipping is done through them.

Strategies to Use Boat Girl Book in Marine Marketing

In addition to simply making a great gift to anyone with kids who loves the water or boating, there are many practical uses of the book for marine businesses.

  • Use as giveaway for water safety training classes
  • Resell books in a marine store
  • Provide books to customers or prospects with kids

Matt Sellhorst, founder of,  was kind enough to put together the below video detailing a specific referral generation strategy for boat dealers using The Amazing Adventures of Boat Girl book as a premium gift to clients with kids.

Ready to order copies of the book?

Go to:

Select “Add to Cart”

Enter Desired Quantity

IMPORTANT: Enter & Apply Discount Code: JDH7MM2P

Price will change from $9.95 to $7.00 per book (discount amount will be shown)

Click “Check Out” to complete online purchase

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Diane Seltzer

View posts by Diane Seltzer
Diane is a marketer, avid boater and author of the award-winning book PR Tools to Toot Your Own Horn. In addition to being founder of, Diane runs the small business site and the boating lifestyle sites and
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