Westrec Marinas to Help Promote Cruzin Boat Rentals

marketing planCruzin boater to boater rentalCruzin Boater-to-Boater Rentals forms alliance to promote service to Westrec marinas customers nationwide

Cruzin, a boater-to-boaterTM rental and charter marketplace, has announced that they have formed a strategic alliance with Westrec Marinas, the world’s largest owner operator of marinas and marine-related businesses, to offer its boater-to-boater rental services at Westrec Marina locations. The alliance was announced during the 2013 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show where both companies exhibited.

Westrec will be using the Cruzin boat rental platform as a value-add service enhancement for its marina customers as well as a way to encourage more boaters to get back into the boating lifestyle. The Cruzin rental marketplace helps boaters generate income from their boats making the cost of ownership more affordable. At the same time, the rental marketplace gives new or previous boaters a chance to test the waters with a boat or experience the boating lifestyle without an ownership commitment.

“We at Westrec always seek ways to improve the quality of our boater’s experience at the marina and beyond. By introducing our boaters to Cruzin’s peer-to-peer platform, we can help them get the most out of their boats. In many cases one can offset a month’s storage costs with just one or two days rental. That helps make boating more affordable for our customers and will hopefully add value to their experience with Westrec Marinas,” said company president Bill Anderson.

According to Jaclyn Baumgarten, Cruzin CEO, Cruzin hopes to leverage key industry innovators like Westrec to increase the common goal of boating participation and ownership. Tapping into the social environment of marinas also helps support the online boater community that Cruzin is developing.

Cruzin has also established partnerships with other leading industry associations and companies such as the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (in support of their TakeMeFishing.org campaign) and boat dealerships like the Singleton Marine Group. The Cruzin partnership with Singleton Marine gives boaters the opportunity to try brand-new boats for a day or more, and becomes a lead-generation tool for Singleton.

Marine Marketing Best Practice

The Westrec and Cruzin partnership is a great example of two complimentary marine businesses working together toward for mutually beneficial business goals. Marinas that seek out value-add products and services that enhance the boating experience will not only produce more revenue-generating opportunities, but they will also create more satisfied and loyal boating clients.

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