Introduces New Boat Name Generator Tool

marketing planboatenator250x250New online “Boat-enator” tool uses proprietary algorithm technology to help boaters choose their perfect boat name, a San Francisco-based online boat classified startup, has developed a new tool to assist boaters with boat naming selection that typically takes place during the boat buying process.

The unique online tool uses proprietary algorithms to come up with potential boat names based on a boater’s personality. The tool was created with the idea that most boater’s like to name their boat based on their interests and personality traits.

boat name scored thousands of boat names using 5 key attributes; Age, Wealth, Ambition, Demeanor, and Tone. After answering a series of questions, which help determine the best fit among those attributes, the Boat-enator Boat Name Generator results in a boat name that “perfectly matches” it’s owner.

“We wanted to utilize technology and social media to create a fun experience during this process, and add yet another layer to finding and buying a used boat on,” said Scott Teger, VP of Operations. provides a full Facebook OpenGraph integration which allows sharing of boat names generated so boater’s can get feedback and critique from friends and family on social media. The value-add tool, along with the potential viral sharing effect, becomes a traffic generator for the online boat classifieds. also offers BoatIntel™, a certified, comprehensive boat history and vessel information report that provides valuable information to boat buyers and sellers to help them make the most informed decision possible.

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